Learn how to use Enlight’s herbal
botanicals as part of a healing ritual

Awareness. Mindfulness. Purpose. Intention. These are the core tenets of healing the body and being in control of your spirit.

Enlight’s organic botanicals embrace mindful intention with a ritual that combines a holistic philosophy, healing body therapy techniques, and all-natural spa products. Although each product has its own unique ritual, they are all part of a truly healing experience that produces lasting effects.

The Enlight Ritual

  • Take a moment to stop, connect with your body, and let yourself be at peace.

  • Be aware of where you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and set an intention about where you want to go.

  • Think through the road and mental process that you need to go through to get to that destination.
  • Select one of our herbal botanicals that will provide relief for what ails you and help you along your journey.
  • Browse our catalog to learn more about each product and how to use our organic botanicals as part of your therapeutic ritual.

Start your journey toward intention and healing

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